Frequently asked questions.
What does the Community League do?
The Horse Hill Community League is a volunteer-run non-profit organization. Our goal is to build a strong, diverse and proactive community by acknowledging and responding to the needs of our members. We work with the City of Edmonton to provide summer and playground programs and other opportunities. We organize, coach, and host children’s indoor and outdoor soccer, and green shack program. We organize fun, all-inclusive events throughout the year.
Where do we get our funding?
The Horse Hill Community League has several sources of funding for different initiatives and projects. Our Fall Membership Drive is an important fundraiser. A High number of membership helps us obtain more external funding. We apply for grants through the City of Edmonton and the Province of Alberta. We also host a casino every two years.
How do I get involved?
Send us a quick note and we will get in touch with you.
How do I find out about what is happening in the community?
Regularly check the Events page of this website. Join the Horse Hill Facebook page. Subscribe to our newsletter.