Outdoor Soccer 2025
Registration Open
Click here to go to the EMSA soccer registration portal.
Click the image below to find more info about the 2025 Outdoor Season
Refund Deadline April 2nd, 2025
Tentative Season Starts May 1st, 2025
Codes of Conduct
Every effort is made to accommodate player and coach requests however this is not guaranteed. Players may have to transfer to surrounding communities if there aren’t enough to form a team. Registration is still required in the community in which the player resides. Fields: Games are played throughout North East Edmonton. Home fields for Horse Hill Community are Horse Hill School and Brintnell Park.
Horse Hill’s sports philosophy is to provide a good, fair opportunity for all youth to play a sport and learn to enjoy it for life.
Players’ Code of Conduct
To assure that the participation in the Horse Hill Community League Soccer program is a constructive and positive experience and to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment, the following Code of Conduct has been adopted.
Players must create a positive and fun environment for their teammates.
Players must work to educate themselves about the game and play fairly and by the rules.
Players must listen to their coaches and work towards the goals that are set.
Players must work with their coaches and teammates to develop team skills. They must emphasize team play over personal accomplishments.
Players must be role models for their teammates. They should control their anger and never use unsuitable language or make inappropriate gestures.
Players must strive to arrive at practices and games on time.
Players must treat everyone fairly and with respect.
Players must respect the calls of the officials.
Players must try not to throw or abuse any equipment out of anger or frustration.
Players must remember that sports can be dangerous and must play safely and in such ways to minimize risk to yourself or other players.
Players must respect their opponents and positively recognize their efforts.
Players must wear the proper equipment and wear it in the proper manner.
Players cannot play any event under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicant.
Players must inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect your safety or the safety of others.
Play the game for the game’s sake. Be generous when you win. Be gracious when you lose. Be fair always, no matter what the cost. Obey the Laws of the Game. Work for the good of the team. Accept the decisions of the Officials with good grace. Believe in the honesty of your opponents. Conduct yourself with honor and dignity. Honestly and wholeheartedly applaud the efforts of your teammates, and opponents.
Coach’s Code of Conduct
Soccer is a game for happiness. The laws of soccer should be regarded as mutual agreements, the spirit or letter of which no one should try to avoid or break. Visiting teams and spectators are honored guests. No advantages except those of superior skill should be sought. Official and opponents should be treated and regarded as honest in intention. Official decisions should be accepted without looking angry no matter how unfair they may seem. Winning is desirable, but winning at any cost defeats the purpose of the game. Losing can be a triumph when the team has given its best. The ideal is the greatest good to the greatest number. In soccer, as in life, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Parent’s Code of Conduct
Children have more need for example than criticism. Make athletic participation for your child and enable a positive experience. Attempt to relieve the pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside influences. Be kind to your child’s coach and officials. The coach is a volunteer giving personal time to provide a recreational activity for your child. The coach is providing a valuable community service, often without regard other than the personal satisfaction of having served the community. The opponents are necessary friends. Without them your child could not participate meaningfully. Applaud good plays by your team and by members of the opposing team.
Disciplinary Actions
Horse Hill Community League has the authority to discipline any player or team official who has violated any of the above guidelines or whose conduct is considered detrimental to the best interests of Horse Hill Community League. The Horse Hill Community League board can discipline violations in one of the following actions depending on the severity of the matter:
Warning: The offending person is advised of the nature of the offence and informed that further violations will result in a more severe penalty, or
Probation: The offending person is given a written warning and enters a period of probation to be determined by the board. Further violations will result in suspension or barring from further participation, or
Suspension: The offending person is suspended from participating in community league activities for a length of time to be determined by the board, or
Bar: The offending person is barred from future participation in community league activities to the end of the season at a minimum. A violator can only be reinstated by approval of the community league board.